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plnr is a powerful framework for planning and executing analyses in R. It’s designed for scenarios where you need to:

  • Run the same function multiple times with different arguments
  • Execute multiple different functions on the same datasets
  • Create systematic analyses across multiple strata or variables

Key Features

  • Efficient Data Management: Load data once and reuse across multiple analyses
  • Structured Analysis Planning: Organize analyses into clear, maintainable plans
  • Flexible Execution: Support for both single-function and multi-function analysis plans
  • Built-in Debugging: Convenient tools for development and testing
  • Parallel Processing: Optional parallel execution of analyses
  • Hash-based Caching: Track data changes and optimize execution

Common Use Cases

  • Applying the same analysis across multiple strata (e.g., locations, age groups)
  • Running statistical methods on multiple variables (e.g., exposures, outcomes)
  • Generating multiple tables or graphs for reports
  • Creating systematic surveillance analyses



Development Version

To install the development version or access packages that haven’t been released on CRAN:

  1. Edit your .Rprofile:
  1. Add the following configuration:
  repos = structure(c(
    CSVERSE = "",
    CRAN    = ""
  1. Restart R and install:

Getting Started

  1. Read the introduction vignette
  2. Check out the adding analyses guide
  3. Run help(package="plnr") for detailed function documentation

Quick Example


# Create a new plan
p <- Plan$new()

# Add data
  name = "deaths",
  direct = data.table(deaths=1:4, year=2001:2004)

# Add analyses for different years
p$add_argset(name = "fig_1_2002", year_max = 2002)
p$add_argset(name = "fig_1_2003", year_max = 2003)

# Define analysis function
fn_fig_1 <- function(data, argset) {
  plot_data <- data$deaths[year <= argset$year_max]
  ggplot(plot_data, aes(x=year, y=deaths)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_point(size=3) +
    labs(title = glue::glue("Deaths from 2001 until {argset$year_max}"))

# Apply function to all argsets
p$apply_action_fn_to_all_argsets(fn_name = "fn_fig_1")

# Run analyses


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This package is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.